Today is
odd sock day.
because anyone can have an odd day, is a light-hearted approach to reminding people that anyone, at any time, can have an odd day.
Read this part in the voice from CSI Svu:
"According to mental healthorganisation GROW: The stigma associated with mental illness is incredibly isolating. Attitudes cause people to disengage from their communities and deny symptoms or illness which then impacts on their decisions to seek help...
This is my story. "
(This is super difficult).
I had been on anti anxiety (depressant) tablets for 3 years to help with sleep... When I first was prescribed these I was certain I didn't need anti depressants because I hardly felt super sad and never wanted to harm myself. I'm so glad I did because my sleep had gone from 3 hours a night (from not being able to switch off my mind) to at least 7 hours.
Since Max was born we had a terrible time with his colic and reflux. He wouldn't stay asleep for more than 30 mins. I went to a bunch of child Health nurses who seemed to tell me everything I was doing wrong. When one had berated me for an hour and told me to just let Max cry I had a mini breakdown in her office. She then told me I had PND and had to go straight to the hospital because she didn't think I could look after max... excuse my language but BULLSHIT! Anyway, it might have been the best thing to happen because I then went to my doctor who sent me to a psychologist who told me about some awesome classes for PND. And for the record: She also told me I was coping very well for what I had been through.
I've been gong to these classes for post natal depression... learning a lot about anxiety and self talk. When I first went I thought I shouldn't be there because again I never had thoughts to harm Max or myself. I thought that all the other mums there had it way worse. Since then I've become aware that there are many variations of depression and anxiety which people can experience... You don't have to be on the extreme end of the scale to want to get help.
In my case it was just a massive sock (shock) from being a workaholic teacher and uni tutor to all of a sudden having a sick baby and no clue how to help him.
I'm hoping by sharing this more people will either gethelp or at least change their views on mental illness. Without the negative views of mental illness maybe more people would get help.