Sunday, September 29, 2013

Just beachy

We took Max to the beach today... It seemed to work a lot better in my head when I initially got the idea.  I thought I could sit in the shallow and let Max sit with me.  I didn't think about how cold the water would be our how windy it would be!  Never The less... We had driven all the way down so I decided to dip him in anyway for half a second.  He didn't like it very much and spent the rest of the beach trip in his capsule with uv cover while his mum had fun in the water!

By the way.  That's sand on his head. 

Giant tooth

I told him about the dentist....

Babies don't read the books

I don't think anything anyone can say would prepare you for having your first baby...
We were given so much advice that it all mushed into one big jumble.... "swaddle the bottles and air dry the baby".

I think the baby really dictates what will be happening in your house.  With Max's reflux and colic there was a time when we slept him in the car capsule because it was the only place he would sleep for more than 30 mins!

I think the best advice I've recieved since having Max was: "remember that you are doing the best you can."
It's easy to get into quite negative thinking at 4am after no sleep since 3 Days earlier... I had started to doubt my abilities as a mother... remembering that advice has made the sleepless nights so much better! 

Poopy head

My favorite memory from Max's first week is when Paul (Max's dad) was changing his nappy at the shop.  Max was able to shoot his poo past the change table onto Paul's shirt!
You would think Paul learnt from that... I'm pretty sure it's happened at least another 2 times since!


I seem to always say yes to loyalty cards... even though the is no chance that I'll ever really use them enough to get rewarded for anything. 
Plus... I always lose them!
What do you do with loyalty cards?
Is there an app for that?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mechanics or medicine?

What a strange concept.  We really have no idea what Max will be interested in when he's older...
His father and myself are totally different people.  Paul is a merchandise planner (nerd) who works on computers all day whereas I'm a teacher of art which is totally different.  Hopefully Max will have the best of both of us. 

Girly boy

I don't know how people can go their whole pregnancy without finding out the sex of their baby.  I am way way way way too impatient for that!
Another reason I wanted to find out what I was having was because I thought it would help me attach more to it.  At the time I was still in denial about the whole pregnancy thing and never really felt attached to the thing growing inside!

Odd sock day

Today is odd sock day. 
because anyone can have an odd day, is a light-hearted approach to reminding people that anyone, at any time, can have an odd day.
Read this part in the voice from CSI Svu:
"According to mental healthorganisation GROW: The stigma associated with mental illness is incredibly isolating. Attitudes cause people to disengage from their communities and deny symptoms or illness which then impacts on their decisions to seek help...
This is my story. "
(This is super difficult).  
  I had been on anti anxiety (depressant) tablets for 3 years to help with sleep... When I first was prescribed these I was certain I didn't need anti depressants because I hardly felt super sad and never wanted to harm myself. I'm so glad I did because my sleep had gone from 3 hours a night (from not being able to switch off my mind) to at least 7 hours.  
Since Max was born we had a terrible time with his colic and reflux. He wouldn't stay asleep for more than 30 mins. I went to a bunch of child Health nurses who seemed to tell me everything I was doing wrong. When one had berated me for an hour and told me to just let Max cry I had a mini breakdown in her office. She then told me I had PND and had to go straight to the hospital because she didn't think I could look after max... excuse my language but BULLSHIT! Anyway, it might have been the best thing to happen because I then went to my doctor who sent me to a psychologist who told me about some awesome classes for PND. And for the record: She also told me I was coping very well for what I had been through.  
I've been gong to these classes for post natal depression... learning a lot about anxiety and self talk.  When I first went I thought I shouldn't be there because again I never had thoughts to harm Max or myself. I thought that all the other mums there had it way worse. Since then I've become aware that there are many variations of depression and anxiety which people can experience... You don't have to be on the extreme end of the scale to want to get help.  
In my case it was just a massive sock (shock) from being a workaholic teacher and uni tutor to all of a sudden having a sick baby and no clue how to help him. 
  I'm hoping by sharing this more people will either gethelp or at least change their views on mental illness. Without the negative views of mental illness maybe more people would get help.

broom broom

Am I the only one that forgets to strap the car seat in properly sometimes? 

I remember to strap Max in but forget to loop the  seatbelt  thing around the capsule. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What's in a name...

Want to know why we called him Max? ... There's a few reasons:

1. I'm a teacher... That rules out about 400 names. 

2. I wanted something reasonably normal because as a teacher I know I find it tricky remembering the strange names.  It's always nice when people refer to you by your name instead of "you".

3. Max is easy to spell so hopefully he will be the first one in preschool to be able to write his name.

4. Paul liked the name because of Maxwell smart. 

5. I liked the name because it was a character from my favorite book as a child.  WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE.  The boy in this book got into mischief a lot like I did and had an incredible imagination. .. Which is why I think as a child I related so well to this book. 

6. It could be lengthened if he wanted to be called Maxwell. 

Loyalty programs... are they worth it?

What do you do with all your membership cards? If I put mine in my wallet I'd be carrying an extra kilo! (This is a sauce container at the local Mexican restaurant).  Managed to have a good night though... Max slept through my outing with my friends which made it super easy!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Weare at a family bnq with the in-laws. .. I was thinking twice about taking this shot because they might think I'm a weirdo. .. Then I thought. .. stuff it.  I am a weirdo!  :) 

What's a pirate's favorite letter?


Happy talk like a pirate day.   This is my old pet bird Charlie pretending to be a parrot.


Thiswould have to be one of my favorites. .. The look on his face is priceless!   It's easy to miss all the cute expressions when you're really only focusing on ssettling and feediI'm glad i started this blog. it helps me reflect on the good little things. 


I've been so careful with what I've been eating since Max was diagnosed with reflux.  One thing my doctor said to try for sleep was if I drank one or two Bailes at night. It's not on my allowed list but I'm not going to argue with the doc!

His number 1 fan

Theweather is starting to get hot. .. Max is already a bad sweater when he feeds!  If anyone has tips for surviving summer with a baby please let me know!   I'm so glad that Paul and I installed air con instead of giving eachother Christmas presents! 

Here comes the bride.

Remember the hen's night?
Well this is the wedding! 
My husband and I were invited to be bridesmaid and groomsman at our friends liz and Ryan's wedding.  Mum came along to look after and feed Max. It was all going swimmingly until I spilt a bottle of expressed milk on the bridesmaid dress!  Whoever said you don't cry over spilt milk is a liar!  It's ok though... The milk came out and the rest of the day was perfect! 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Boys don't play with dolls...

I found this little baby at the thrift shop.  It reminded me of Max so I bought it for him.  A friend's little baby girl loves her baby doll and I thought for $1 that Max might eventually be interested too. The lady at the shop asked how old my little GIRL was... I told her that my little girl was 6 weeks. I didn't have the heart or energy to explain that I was buying it for my boy.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Today Max 
was feeding all afternoon!  Actually, now I think of it... He only really had about 30 mins sleep between feeding and  grizzling.  i  need to remember that things will get better. Luckiky i didnt have much planned for today.


When my husband announced our engagement, Prince William and Kate did the same... taking away our spotlight!  They were married around the same time as us and of course announced their impending birth at the same time as us! Hopefully she (me) won't be announcing any new babies for a little while.

Doodle head

Remember the first post about invites for a hens party? ... Well we had some cool toys on the night!

This was my first night away from Max.  Also a learning opportunity for me about breastfeeding!  I had enough expressed to last the whole night if I choose to.. I thought I was set! I totally didn't think about the fact that the Boobs keep producing milk and eventually will need to be emptied... so at 10pm at some bar you would have found me in the ladies toilet with my dress up around my neck, habd expressing into a toilet!  I must say; possibly one of the strangest experiences I've had for a while!

Hanging with his chicks

I know it's not something on his head... But doesn't he look tiny next to these babes?


Breastfeeding makes me hungry...  The first thing I usually reach for is lollies!  I'll have to stock the house with some good protien snacks to avoid eating these bad boys.



Ok. So I only wanted a burger but had to buy the happy meal just to get this hat! :)


So there's this cute little bra shop at carindale... It's got a little secret section with all sorts of toys!  The lady behind the counter was kind enough to lend me this nipple tassle... Mind you,  the look on her face was priceless when I said "can I please borrow one for a second to put on my baby? "

Heyyyyy Hey baby... Ohh ahh...

I've saved this baby born since before Max was conceived.  I like they it is anatomically correct and a beautiful color!  

Anti dandruff

If he had more hair this would be a great advert for head and shoulders.


I think he's having a dream about some crazy woman who puts things on his head. 


Did you know... research is now showing that pacifiers can reduce the chance of SIDS...

I <3 fairy Floss

Brisbane had the exhibition recently where I bought a massive container of fairy Floss... I wonder how sugar effects breast milk.

Shine bright like a diamond...

Making invitations for a friend's hens night.... I had a few leftover diamantes.

Meet Max

Meet Max:
The baby of a workaholic ADD teacher.   Max has managed to turn my life around and upside down...  With bad jaundice and reflux things have been a little stressful and serious around here.  I've gone from keeping myself busy with as much work and study as I can, knowing what to do and how to do it. .. to being stuck at home with a mini human who is sick and having no clue how to help him.
So to fight off post natal depression I decided to start having some fun with my baby...  This blog will be a series of photos of Max and my adventures with him.  Mostly of things I've been able to put on or balance on his head!
No babies were harmed in the making of this blog ... Max could argue when he's older that I mentally scared him but what would be worse would be a mum falling apart at the crucial newborn stage. 
The photo included in this post is from Kelly Brown who is an amazing photographer that I was lucky enough to have photograph Max.  It's my favorite photo of him.