Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mater miracle

Every day I drop Max at his daycare mum I feel very blessed.   She happens to be one of my best friend's mums and I couldn't imagine sensing Max to anyone else.   This teddy was given to Max from her. She bought it while taking her husband to the hospital for cancer treatment.  I think it's such a selfless thing for her to think about Max during such a rough time.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Basket case

He put this on his head himself!   One proud mumma right here. 

Allergy freak out!

I gave Max 2 strawberries and let him go nuts.   After 10 seconds he had managed to cover himself with red strawberry juice. 

I had a mini freak out thinking that he was allergic and that his body was coming out in a rash.  It turns out it was just the strawberry juice!

Just shoot me

Max had his 6 month needles at 7 months of age.  

I must admit,  a tiny bit of guilt crept in to male me feel like a bad mother. 

Never mind.... It's done and I don't have to worry about any of those nasty diseases. 

Lettuce head

A man goes to the Doctor with a piece of lettuce hanging out of his ear. "That looks nasty," says the doctor. "Nasty?" replies the man, "this is just the tip of the iceberg!" 


We bought our family home.

It's taken us a couple of years to save and find a place we could call home but finally we found somewhere.  It was a bargain too!   I fell in love with the 2680m2 block with a little creek running through it. It reminded me of some stories mum used to make up for me when I was little about water faeries. 
I can't wait to get into the dirt and water with Max when he's a little bigger. 

Bargan arse

Kmart are selling animals for $1... I couldn't help myself!

Friday, February 14, 2014

V day

Happy Valentines Day.   When paul and I got home today I fell asleep while he packed for hours business trip to India.  Most romantic we are going to get with a 6 month old.


If peanut oil is made from peanuts and olive oil is made from olives... What is baby oil made from?

Eat your greens

Max has discovered the deliciousness of grass.   I have given up on keeping him on a mat now.... He usually rolls off and finds something not baby safe to eat.

Sleeping Beauty

Every time we drive to daycare he falls asleep!   It's so hard getting him out because I never want to wake him. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Because he's a fungi!

Why did Max change to the larger capsule?   Because there wasn't  mushroom in the old one!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Max is a little sick.  He is congested and not sleeping much.  It's times like these I wish I had taken longer maternity leave...

Luckily I have a great daycare mum who will take him as long as he doesn't have a temp. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Australia day

We have an annual Australia day party on the long weekend.  The main reason for this is to have a bit of fun with friends while the weather is still nice and it's a long weekend. 
Sometimes though I feel as though I'm being disrespectful to the Indigenous Australians who are hurt by the meaning of the day... 
I don't want to stop having the party but this year I'll be focusing on how I could make it more inclusive and thoughtful for the original owners of our land. 

My little gamer...

Many people are concerned about the amount of technology kids are exposed to these days.  I hear it all the time... "Can you believe that mum lets her baby play on the ipad". Or... "Kids sould be outside playing,  not on the computer all day." 

I agree to a certain extent that screen time should be monitored but I also see the effects of over preventing kids using technology. 

Not so long ago there wasn't much technology used in our community.... When I hopped on a bus I would have my ticket hole punched, I would pay with cash everywhere and all my mobile would do is make phone calls.   Now days we have swipe cards, pay pass and mobiles that have soo many apps that I could install an app a day for the rest of my life and still not get through them all. 

I will be letting Max use the latest technology wherever I can if I can afford it.  I will let him play on an ipod as soon as he has the motor skills to do so. 
Mind you...  I will also be outside climbing trees and playing in the mud with him too. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I am addicted to sugar!  This time of year is very tricky with a those easter eggs on the shelves.   I'd love to know how you avoid sugar... Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Today we had lunch at a friend's place.  She cooked up a magnificent Indian meal.   We are starting to get a new circle of friends since having Max and everything is starting to feel right again.  I had to get rid of a lot of old (childhood) friends due to bad influences and differences of opinions... I was starting to get worried that I'd never rebuild my circle again.  Today I feel blessed to have friends. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New shoes

Max wore his first shoes last week.  
He totally doesn't need shoes at All because he's not walking yet but they look so cool!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy glow year

Let me tell you how Paul and I met.... and subsequently nearly didn't marry...
One New years,  my friend Jodi and I were planning a trip into the city. While we were guzzling our pre drinks at home we started chatting to some guy (Paul) on the internet.  We had found out that he had been stood up for new years and was going to spend the night at home.  We felt sorry for him so decided to meet him at Southbank. We felt safe enough because there were crowds of people and if we didn't like him we could just get lost in the crowd! (I know... I was pretty evil back then)
So off we trudged through the crowds of people towards the second tree along the beach where we told Paul we would meet him. On the way I locked eyes with someone in the crowd.... I have no idea why but he seemed to stand out.  This guy poked his tongue out at me. Having a giggle I kept walking to meet the Internet guy (Paul) at the second tree. 
Waiting. Waiting.  Waiting.... Still thinking about the tongue poker.  I eventually called Paul and found out that he was waiting at the second tree from the other side of the beach.   Eventually when we meet I realised it was the same guy who poked his tongue out at me!
He seemed nice and genuine enough so we didn't lose him in the crowd. 
Paul and I became good friends for a few months when he tools me he was going to play pool with his friend Matt (name has been changed)... I had to ask him: "do you mean Matt Davies?".... yep!   It turns out that my ex had rented a room from Paul after leaving me and they were good pool buddies!  I decided then I had to cut the friendship with Paul because I didn't want any ties to Matt.
Anyway,  long story short.  Through Paul's persistence we stayed friends and subsequently became soulmates. 
Ever since... We've been glowing it up at Southbank every year. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our little family to yours.  Wishing you a stress free day full of love and special people.  Xoxo

Friday, December 20, 2013


I haven't bothered too much with decorating this year m kinda slack I know but I think it's more important to enjoy Max's first Christmas without the stress of it being perfect. 
I don't remember my first Christmas. 

Ring for santa

These bells are popping up everywhere!  Same Bell different slogan.  So far I've seen:
"Ring for sex"
"Ring for santa" and
"Ring for another drink"
I think they should at least make the bells sound different.  Imagine if you rang the santa one but the sex one was answered to!

nudie rudie!

I bath Max in the bath tub with me.  I feel way safer as I can catch him faster if he slips.  I think there will come a time when I will have to stop.... I think I've got a while yet though...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

3 year =leather

What sort of wife forgets her anniversary? ... One that goes back to work while her baby keeps her up all night! ... Sorry Paul, I do love you!
On another note.... What's something leather I can buy on the way home? Lol

Saturday, November 30, 2013


I have a decision to make.... Do I want to go to China this year with the school or spend the two weeks with Max and Paul?  I really enjoyed it last time and did say I would go back but a small bit of me feels a tiny bit guilty. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

The godfather

So my husband and Max go to lunch with Max's godfather and this is the photo I get when I get home- it's good to know someone else is okay with putting things on Max's head.  Whenever I ask Paul to help me he says that he wants nothing to do with it.  Lol.
By the way,  I'm open for suggestions. 

Monday, November 25, 2013


I have a confession... Max fell out of his rocker yesterday.  He was in there next to the bath tub while I was having a shower. One minute we were having happy screaming competitions... Then the screams started sounding different.  I looked at the rocker and he wasn't there!  He had fallen into the floor!
He is okay.  He landed on the fluffy bath mat which helped a little.  I think I ended up crying more than him from the overwhelming guilt I was feeling. 

It turns out he can wriggle his way out of the rocker... Guess who's getting strapped in from now on!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bobbie or bottle?

We've been pretty lucky with Max.  He is happy to drink from the bottle or the Bobbie.  It makes it super easy for when I'm back at work and Paul does the night shifts...
Not sure what we will do when we are both working.  I'm hoping he will be on solids and sleeping a little more than 3 hours at a time!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hi ho hi ho...

My first day back at work... Max will be 15 weeks old tomorrow!
Where did all that time go? !
I was a little sad to go back.... Not because I would miss Max, not because I was exhausted and not because I I was enjoying being at home but because it reminded me of how fast time can fly!  It feels like just yesterday I was leaving there to go on Maternity leave. 

Time is precious. 

Pet collector

We already have a menagerie at our house...
3 dogs,  5 chickens,  2  birds, a siamese fighting fish and a snail.  We had to get rid of the gold fish because I kept forgetting to feed them....
But no matter how much my brain says no,  I always fall in love with cute little animals and want to take them home as pets!

I've had to ban myself from looking at the dogs for adoption on the RSPCA website. 

Today my brain won... I took the photo and left the duckling at the market stall. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Feeding dolphins

How could the dolphin afford to buy a house? He prawned everything! 

We took mum to tangaloma this week to feed dolphins... You can find the video here:

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nutty knitter

Before Maternity leave I was worried about what I was going to do with all my free time (I can hear the mothers chuckling now). I bought a ukulele some wool and crochet hooks with great plans to learn to play the uke and crochet.

One week of Maternity leave left and I finally taught myself to crochet a love heart.  That's all I will be making.  It turns out I don't have the attention span or patience to be a crocheter.

Now to learn the ukulele in a week... 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fatso notso

Now that I'm missing a gallbladder I need to be careful about the foods I eat. It turns out... I don't know much about food. I know that takeaway is bad and vegies are good but that's where my knowledge stops. Mission: take my fat butt to a dietitian!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Subtitle this...

I thought a photo just wouldn't do these eyebrows justice-  :) Here's the video

Friday, October 25, 2013

Gallbladder episode could have been a good thing...

I’m so glad I had to get my gall bladder removed, said nobody ever…. Except me! Don’t get me wrong… waiting in emergency on our last night in Melbourne was pretty extreme and painful until they gave me the magical morphine.  After that things were peachy with rainbows and unicorns.I didn’t even know what a gallbladder was until that day. Apparently it’s what helps you digest particularly fatty foods.  Once a gallbladder is taken out, a patient should be. Little more careful with their diet…. Not as much fatty foods and way more water. Which brings me to the reason I’m a little happy it’s been taken out. I’m a bit of a slow learner…. And could sometimes be described as stubborn.  Dieting is a very tricky thing to do when there’s so much yummy unhealthy foods out there (mmmm, crunchy hot chips). It simply would not happen of my own free will.  I have been on strict healthy eating plans in the past because of my endometriosis and PCOS but ended up giving up on them when all it did was make me fatigued and hangry (hungry&angry).   I think now if I eat anything too fatty my body is going to let me know. I’m hoping it won’t be subtle but will give me a decent kick in the guts.  I don’t listen to subtle very well.So… here’s hoping for a reasonably pain free recovery but a lifestyle change that will be for the better. It’s amazing what a trip to the hospital can do to change your life.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

9 hour car ride...

We spent the day driving along the great ocean road.  We would have spent approximately 9 hours in the car.  For most of you this might sound like a nightmare but it could possibly be one of the best days we've spent together. 
You see... Max sleeps really well in the car capsule. It's got something to do with the way it sits him up.  He's also happier when he's awake and in the capsule which means less crying and more sane times
(One of the reasons I spend so much time walking around shopping centres instead of going home).

Paul and I were able to spend quality time together.  Max was happy and we got to see some cool sights. 

And yes... I'm in denial about travel with him when he's a toddler.  I'm sure it will be perfect! 


These blog posts are brought to you from the letter z and the 2am feed.

This is an apology of sorts... or an excuse for poor grammar and spelling.   Most of the blog posts I write are usually at night when I can't sleep... They help me get a few things off my mind.  Unfortunately what I find amusing and funny at this time of the night/ morning  might actually be quite crappy.  Anyway..  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Gambling with love

It's never too early to start a gambling addiction...
At the casino in Melbourne. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Having Max and PND could be one of the best things that has happened to me.  Before baby I was a workaholic perfectionist who always put everyone's needs ahead of my own....
I've now discovered that this is not a healthy way to live.  I've been doing a couple of classes (I think I mentioned before) on how to deal with stress and anxiety and am on my way to becoming a healthier happier me. This in turn ripples to my family.  The other day I thought I would like to go for a drive and picnic instead of staying at home and doing work... so Paul Max and I set out to explore Mount tambourine.   This would never have happened before I had Max and before the classes.

I'd like to share a quote from another mum I know... She said
These ARE the 'good old days' that you're going to look back on... You might as well enjoy them. 

P.s. This is a lady Beetle that was in Paul's salad at our picnic. 



Wholy Macaroony

What's with Melbourne and all their macaroons?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Come fly with me... And a vomity baby

About to fly with Max.  To settle my anxiety I asked myself... "What's the worst that could happen? All you need is Boobs and nappies right? "
Well... My 3am mind went crazy with this... I had to get up and make sure I had everything I could possibly need.  Spare clothes for me, expressed milk, spare pacifiers...  usually it's Paul doing this.  What sort of crazy ocd person has this baby turned me into! ?

Anyway... We're off to Melbourne to see the moto gp and penguins.
Plane is boarding... wish us luck!
I can already see people watching us and probably hoping they don't get stuck near us. 


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

That sweet n sour baby smell...

Ever wondered where that baby smell comes from? ...  ME TOO!

I've had a few friends and strangers sniff Max expecting to smell something sweet and magical like unicorn farts.   Unfortunately they get a wiff of stale milk vomit mixed with baby sweat from his little ogre head!

I guess this is one of the problems you face when you have a reflux baby.  Don't get me wrong.  I clean him with a wipe or wet facewasher whenever I can but this isn't the same as changing him and bathing him.  If I did this everytime Max vomits he would be constantly in the bath! 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Can Max visit me in jail?

I confess... I'm a thief! 

Sometime in the last couple of weeks I have stolen a bunch of hair ties from Coles. Not intentionally of course... I had put them in the bottom of the stroller and forgot about them when I got to the checkout. 

So should I go back to Coles and pay for my goods or think of it as a gift for putting up with long cues at the checkout? 

People have been arrested for less...

I'd love to know what you've forgotten to pay for...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Handing over the reins.

Max spethe tnt the day in daycare while I did my course.  The first time I had to drop him off I was terrified! Especially after hearing horror stories  and not knowing who will be watching him...  or even if they would be watching him!  I had this vision of Max being in a corner with the other babies while the careers have smokes outside.   I was also a little worried for the carers because Max was a very sick baby and I thought he was going to give them as much hell as he'd given me in the first couple of weeks!

It has surprised me how much things can change.  From the first day he was there when I had to visit him at morning tea,  lunch and hurry back after class, to now where I mosy back at leisure and even sometimes give myself the luxury of going to the loo (mums will understand this) on the way. 

Today when I went to pick Max up he was getting a cuddle from one of the careers. It was such a comforting thing to see I didn't want to take him from her arms.  It's also amazing for me that he will be comfortable with other people looking after him. This will come in handy when I return to work. 

So.... the moral of the story: There may be bad childcares out there but I'm sure the majority are just as fantastic as the one today. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'm breaking up with you.

Dear Westfield.
I'm breaking up with you.

I've really enjoyed our time together over the years.  You've provided me with a cool relaxing space to zone out and let the world pass by.  For as long as I can remember my favorite thing to do would be strolling through your shopping Centre,  browsing the shops and occasionally making purchases.  The hum of the crowds would help drown out any thoughts or recently, it's helped keep my newborn sleep.  Unfortunately it's the same newborn who has helped with my decision not to visit you anymore if I can help it...  I spend enough money over the year and can't really fathom spending money on parking just so I can spend money on shops.  Since having Max things are a little more complicated.  You see babies have needs like feeding and changing Nappies.  Sick babies (with reflux) feed more and therfore need more nappy changes which pretty much takes up my 3 hours of free parking.   Last month I was at carindale I had spent $90... Not enough to get the parking validated and I don't know how long I was there for but it was $10 for me to get out of the car park! I felt as though I was being punished for genuinely shopping and enjoying the experience.   Ever since then I've hated going to carindale, I spend my time there feeling anxious that I need to get out in time.  I don't stop for a drink like I usually do and I avoid shops like they're evil time suckeres.

What once was one of my favorite past times has now become an expensive anxiety ridden venture which I'll have to give up. 

I'll miss you.