Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy glow year

Let me tell you how Paul and I met.... and subsequently nearly didn't marry...
One New years,  my friend Jodi and I were planning a trip into the city. While we were guzzling our pre drinks at home we started chatting to some guy (Paul) on the internet.  We had found out that he had been stood up for new years and was going to spend the night at home.  We felt sorry for him so decided to meet him at Southbank. We felt safe enough because there were crowds of people and if we didn't like him we could just get lost in the crowd! (I know... I was pretty evil back then)
So off we trudged through the crowds of people towards the second tree along the beach where we told Paul we would meet him. On the way I locked eyes with someone in the crowd.... I have no idea why but he seemed to stand out.  This guy poked his tongue out at me. Having a giggle I kept walking to meet the Internet guy (Paul) at the second tree. 
Waiting. Waiting.  Waiting.... Still thinking about the tongue poker.  I eventually called Paul and found out that he was waiting at the second tree from the other side of the beach.   Eventually when we meet I realised it was the same guy who poked his tongue out at me!
He seemed nice and genuine enough so we didn't lose him in the crowd. 
Paul and I became good friends for a few months when he tools me he was going to play pool with his friend Matt (name has been changed)... I had to ask him: "do you mean Matt Davies?".... yep!   It turns out that my ex had rented a room from Paul after leaving me and they were good pool buddies!  I decided then I had to cut the friendship with Paul because I didn't want any ties to Matt.
Anyway,  long story short.  Through Paul's persistence we stayed friends and subsequently became soulmates. 
Ever since... We've been glowing it up at Southbank every year. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our little family to yours.  Wishing you a stress free day full of love and special people.  Xoxo

Friday, December 20, 2013


I haven't bothered too much with decorating this year m kinda slack I know but I think it's more important to enjoy Max's first Christmas without the stress of it being perfect. 
I don't remember my first Christmas. 

Ring for santa

These bells are popping up everywhere!  Same Bell different slogan.  So far I've seen:
"Ring for sex"
"Ring for santa" and
"Ring for another drink"
I think they should at least make the bells sound different.  Imagine if you rang the santa one but the sex one was answered to!

nudie rudie!

I bath Max in the bath tub with me.  I feel way safer as I can catch him faster if he slips.  I think there will come a time when I will have to stop.... I think I've got a while yet though...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

3 year =leather

What sort of wife forgets her anniversary? ... One that goes back to work while her baby keeps her up all night! ... Sorry Paul, I do love you!
On another note.... What's something leather I can buy on the way home? Lol