I have a decision to make.... Do I want to go to China this year with the school or spend the two weeks with Max and Paul? I really enjoyed it last time and did say I would go back but a small bit of me feels a tiny bit guilty.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
The godfather
So my husband and Max go to lunch with Max's godfather and this is the photo I get when I get home- it's good to know someone else is okay with putting things on Max's head. Whenever I ask Paul to help me he says that he wants nothing to do with it. Lol.
By the way, I'm open for suggestions.
Monday, November 25, 2013
I have a confession... Max fell out of his rocker yesterday. He was in there next to the bath tub while I was having a shower. One minute we were having happy screaming competitions... Then the screams started sounding different. I looked at the rocker and he wasn't there! He had fallen into the floor!
He is okay. He landed on the fluffy bath mat which helped a little. I think I ended up crying more than him from the overwhelming guilt I was feeling.
It turns out he can wriggle his way out of the rocker... Guess who's getting strapped in from now on!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Bobbie or bottle?
We've been pretty lucky with Max. He is happy to drink from the bottle or the Bobbie. It makes it super easy for when I'm back at work and Paul does the night shifts...
Not sure what we will do when we are both working. I'm hoping he will be on solids and sleeping a little more than 3 hours at a time!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Hi ho hi ho...
My first day back at work... Max will be 15 weeks old tomorrow!
Where did all that time go? !
I was a little sad to go back.... Not because I would miss Max, not because I was exhausted and not because I I was enjoying being at home but because it reminded me of how fast time can fly! It feels like just yesterday I was leaving there to go on Maternity leave.
Time is precious.
Pet collector
We already have a menagerie at our house...
3 dogs, 5 chickens, 2 birds, a siamese fighting fish and a snail. We had to get rid of the gold fish because I kept forgetting to feed them....
But no matter how much my brain says no, I always fall in love with cute little animals and want to take them home as pets!
I've had to ban myself from looking at the dogs for adoption on the RSPCA website.
Today my brain won... I took the photo and left the duckling at the market stall.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Feeding dolphins
How could the dolphin afford to buy a house? He prawned everything!
We took mum to tangaloma this week to feed dolphins... You can find the video here:
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Nutty knitter
Before Maternity leave I was worried about what I was going to do with all my free time (I can hear the mothers chuckling now). I bought a ukulele some wool and crochet hooks with great plans to learn to play the uke and crochet.
One week of Maternity leave left and I finally taught myself to crochet a love heart. That's all I will be making. It turns out I don't have the attention span or patience to be a crocheter.
Now to learn the ukulele in a week...